Independent Loan Charge Review
Independent Loan Charge Review
Our London office insolvency practitioners look at the Chancellor’s announcement of an independent review of the Loan Charge.
Employee Benefit Trusts. Can’t Pay the Loan Charge?
Employee Benefit Trusts. Can’t Pay the Loan Charge?
If you haven’t settled the tax owed on your employee benefit trust and can’t afford to pay the Loan Charge, talk to our Insolvency Practitioners for help.
HMRC Aggressively Chasing Payment of APNs
HMRC Aggressively Chasing Payment of Accelerated Payment Notices
HMRC is Knocking on Doors for Payment of Accelerated Payment Notices. They can then start enforcement proceedings. Insolvency could be the outcome. Talk to us for help & advice
Employee Benefit Trusts and the April 2019 Loan Charge
Employee Benefit Trusts and the April 2019 Loan Charge
50,000 people with Employee Benefit Trusts need to Contact HMRC by Sept 30th 2018 to try and avoid the April 2019 Loan Charge. Talk to us for help & advice.
Facing a Tax Demand Because of an Employee Benefit Trust? Insolvency Practitioners can Help
HMRC is Aggressively Collecting Tax on Companies with Employee Benefit Trusts. Act Now!
HMRC appears to be winning the battle over EBTs and APNs, which could see a spike in insolvencies as some companies might not be able to pay the tax owed. We can help.